Cleveland Podiatrist for Achilles Tendinitis & Other Achilles Tendon Conditions Restore Function & Mobility with Our Cleveland Ankle Specialist

Achilles tendinitis is a condition characterized by pain in an inflamed connective tissue (Achilles tendon)  which runs along the back of the leg near your heel.achilles tendonitis It is usually caused by excess strain or overuse of the Achilles tendon. If you believe that you or a loved one has injured your Achilles tendon, call Ripepi foot & Ankle Clinics and schedule an appointment with our Cleveland podiatrist for Achilles tendinitis.

What Are the Symptoms of Achilles Tendinitis?

Patients suffering from Achilles tendinitis may experience some or all of the following symptoms…

Pain & swelling in your calf or heel
Sharp pain at the bottom of your heel
Tight calf muscles
Reduced range of motion in your leg or heel
Struggle with flexing your foot
Warmth or tenderness in your heel or foot

Ripepi Foot & Ankle Clinics offer many different treatment options, along with advanced technologies.   MLS Laser Therapy is an advanced laser technology that uses infrared light that works to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation in the feet and ankle in a safe, painless, and non-invasive way. 

If you believe you have Achilles tendinitis or another Achilles tendon condition or injury, call 440-843-3692 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Ripepi, our Cleveland podiatrist for Achilles tendinitis. Dr. Ripepi will perform a comprehensive diagnostic exam, after which he will discuss your recommended treatment options.


Dr. Joseph Ripepi
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Ohio podiatrist helping patients with diabetic foot care, foot pain, plantar fasciitis, and sports injuries